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Fresh Batches for CS Foundation, Executive and Professional

KCC, a leading CS and CA Coaching Institute for the last 10 years is going to start Fresh Batches for CS Foundation, Executive and Professional Courses. Interested students may call at 98887-45849, 97808-08413.


Friday, August 30, 2013

Procedure for Submitting online Registration Form for CS Executive by CS Foundation Passed Students

1. Click on Online Services on upper right side 2. Click on Online Registration for CS Foundation/Executive Programme 3. Select the Course CS Executive 4. Select the Title Mr./Ms etc. 5. It will bring you on the next page, here just fill your registration number. 6. Then confirm for payment. Select the option Debit Card/Credit Card or Net Banking etc. as per the facility available...

New CS Training Structure

TRAINING STRUCTURE The Council of the Institute has approved training structure for the students of the Company Secretaries course enrolled on or after 1st September, 2009. The Training Structure includes conducting 7 days Student Induction Programme (SIP), 8 days Executive Development Programme (EDP), 25 hours’ compulsory attendance of Professional Development Programmes (PDP), Management Skills Orientation Programme and other requirements during training period while maintaining the existing duration of training, as under: I. Duration of training: The...

Monday, August 26, 2013

Procedure for submitting the Professional Programme Online

Click here...

Sunday, August 25, 2013

CS Executive Results of Krishan Commerce Classes

KCC has posted the greatest ever result posted by any Institute in Punjab keeping its dominance in the market.Details of our result is Click He...

Registration Fee for CS Foundation ,Executive and Professional Course

Registration F...

List of Rankholders of Professional Programme June 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Total students passed in CMA Inter and CMA Final throughout India in June 2013 Examinations

Number of students who cleared in CMA Inter and Final 1406 students have become CMA.  658 students completed Group III and  473 students completed Group IV. 3064 students are now in Final level.  2012 students completed Group I and  556 students completed Group II. very low pass rate, which shows the importance and quality of this profession...

Revision in Last Date of Submission of Registration Form of CS Executive and Professional Programme

Revision in last date for submission of CS Executive(Both Groups) and Professional Programme(All groups) Registration Form for appearing in June 2014.Offline Mode - 2nd September 2013 ( instead of 31st August)Online Mode - 31st August ( No Change...

Pass Percentage of CMA Inter and Final Examinations

CWAI – CMA December 2012Pass Percentage:-ICWAI – CMA December 2012Pass Percentage:-1354 students have become CMA. 489 students completed Group III and 452 students completed Group IV. 3667 students are now in Final level. 2411 students completed Group I and 894 students completed Group II.Last time I had given June 2012 pass percentage too, check it below. CMA June 2012 pass percentage by ICWAI. This below given pass percentage and total pass outs details were provided by ICWAI representative...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

CS June Examination Result

Get Your CS exam result June 2013 on Mobile- SMS ! Fondation- ICSIFOUN< space> Roll number to 56263. Executive - ICSIEXEC < space> Roll Number to 56263. Professional ICSIPROF <space> Roll number to 5626...