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Fresh Batches for CS Foundation, Executive and Professional

KCC, a leading CS and CA Coaching Institute for the last 10 years is going to start Fresh Batches for CS Foundation, Executive and Professional Courses. Interested students may call at 98887-45849, 97808-08413.


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Role of a Company Secretary under 'The Companies Act, 2013'

Position and scope for Company Secretaries under Companies Bill, 2013(in brief): 1. Company Secretaries as Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) 2. Removal of defence regarding appointment of CS Under section 383A of the Companies Act, 1956, a defence of “poor economic condition” was available to companies regarding non-appointment of company Secretary. But, Under the Companies Bill, 2013, the same defence has been removed. Now a company falling in the criteria to appoint Company Secretary cannot run away its liability to appoint a company Secretary...

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Role of a Company Secretary

WHAT IS COMPANY SECRETARIES? Company Secretaries is a term used to mean a profession as well as the course (field of study). Company Secretaries - a Profession Lawyers are engaged in the legal profession, doctors in the medical profession. Similarly company secretaries are engaged in the Company Secretaries profession. Corporate Law, Company Secretarial Services are the core areas dealt with by company secretaries. They area also capable of expert level services in the areas of Corporate Finance, Capital Market Services, Personnel Management,...

Download Question Papers for CS Foundation, CS Executive and CS Professional Programme

For downloading the question papers, click on the following link Krishan Commerce Classes, a leading CS Coaching Institute in Ludhiana keeping pace with the requirements of CS Course students has been consistently providing valuable informations and details etc. on each and every aspect relating to Company Secretary Course. Any student whether he is a student of Our Coaching institute or not may ask any query relating to the course unhesitatingly. You query...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Legal Terms

AKA: "Also known as". Used to list aliases or another name, or another spelling of a name used by a person. Accelerated Rehabilitation: Also called AR. A program that gives persons charged with a crime or motor vehicle violation for the first time a second chance. The person is placed on probation for up to two years. If probation is completed satisfactorily, the charges are dismissed. Acknowledgement: The signature of a clerk or attorney certifying that the person filing the document has sworn that the contents are true, and/or...