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Fresh Batches for CS Foundation, Executive and Professional

KCC, a leading CS and CA Coaching Institute for the last 10 years is going to start Fresh Batches for CS Foundation, Executive and Professional Courses. Interested students may call at 98887-45849, 97808-08413.


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Concept of Negative Marking Introduced in CS Executive Course

ICSI, a premier institute regulating the profession of Company Secretaries in India has come up with a concept of Negative Marking in three papers of Company Secretary Executive Exams i.e Costing and Management Accounting, Taxation and Industrial Labour and General Laws. Details issued by ICSI is reproduced below: Negative Marking Concept in CS Executive &nbs...

CS Foundation December, 2015 Datesheet

ICSI a premier institute regulating the profession of Company Secretaries has announced the dates for CS Foundation Exams to be conducted in December, 2015. Details of which is as follows. -  CS Foundation Timetable for December, 20...

CS Executive and Professional Datesheet for December, 2015

ICSI has declared Datesheet for CS Executive and Professional Students going to appear in December, 2015 Exams. Noteworthy point this time is that  after three consecutive OMR based papers there are two holidays to relax and revise, which earlier not used to be. Details of which is given below:   - View Dateshe...

Sunday, July 12, 2015

KCC Classes

Friday, July 10, 2015

Different Officials in Income Tax Department

Different Ranks of Officials in Income Tax Department Gazetted officers include all the Indian Revenue Officer officers and all Income Tax Services officers of and above the rank of Income Tax Inspector. Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax or Principal Director General of Income Tax Chief Commissioner of Income Tax or Director General of Income Tax Principal Commissioner of Income Tax or ADG/Principal Director of Income Tax Commissioner of Income Tax or Additional Director General/Director of Income...

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Appoint women directors, Sebi tells Govt

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has written to the cabinet secretary that women directors and independent directors should be appointed in the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in compliance with the corporate governance norms.    As of April this year, almost 90% of listed PSUs had failed to meet the requirement of appointing an equivalent number of independent directors as the number of functional directors on their boards, the criteria that was set by the markets regulator.    In all, there are a total...


Students have been enquiring about the process for purchase of study materials from the Institute after switchover to new syllabus, etc.  Students may obtain the study materials of Foundation / Executive / Professional Programme by sending demand draft favouring “The Institute of Company Secretaries of India” payable at New Delhi @Rs.240/- Per Study Material at the following address :-    Assistant Director (Stores)  The institute of Company Secretaries of India, C-37, Sector-62, Noida – 201 309 (UP).    For...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

India’s External Debt as at the end of March 2015.

As per the standard practice, with a lag of one quarter, India’s external debt statistics for the quarters ending March and June are released by the Reserve Bank of India and those for the quarters ending September and December by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.  Highlights India’s external debt at end-March 2015 showed an increase of US$ 29.5 billion (6.6 per cent) over end-March 2014, due to the rise in commercial borrowings and NRI deposits. Further, the increase in the magnitude of external debt was partly offset by...

Monday, July 6, 2015

Sebi to curb illicit nexus between brokers, promotors

Capital markets regulator Sebi may soon frame a new set of norms to check illicit nexus between market intermediaries and promoters of listed firms, where shares are used informally as collateral for trades. Taking benefit from the regulatory gaps, some depository participants enter into tripartite arrangements with the promoters of listed companies and the traders for lending or borrowing of shares without using the formal pledging or encumbrance of such securities. However, such arrangements can lead to possible frauds and multiple pledging...

RBI SARFAESI Act, 2002 guidelines and directions as amendment upto 30th June 2015

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), having considered it necessary in the public interest, and being satisfied that, for the purpose of enabling the Reserve Bank to regulate the financial system to the advantage of the country and to prevent the affairs of any Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company (SC/RC) from being conducted in a manner detrimental to the interest of investors or in any manner prejudicial to the interest of such SC/ RC, it is necessary to issue the guidelines and directions relating to registration, measures of asset...

Saturday, July 4, 2015



Download Best Notes for Duty Drawback under Custom Act, 1962 for CS Professional exams to be held in December 2015

Download best notes of Duty Drawback under Custom Act,1962 for CS Professional Exams to be held in December 2015. For Complete notes of Advanced tax laws and Practice, Contact at 97808-08413 or 98887-45849  To download click her...

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Black money law: Govt notifies 3 month compliance window till Sept 30 for disclosure

Government today gave three months time till September 30 for people to declare their undisclosed foreign income and assets to escape prosecution under the new black money law, while tax and penalty on such funds can be paid till December 31.  Those availing the one-time ‘compliance window’ would be required to pay a tax of 30 per cent and a penalty of a similar amount.  Under the new black money law, which has been passed by Parliament and would come into force from April 1, 2016, the penalty would be much higher at 90 per cent,...

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Master Circular on Compounding of Contraventions under FEMA, 1999

RBI has issued Master Circular on Compounding of Contraventions under FEMA, 1999 on 1st July, 2015. To download the circular please visit-